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Tampa FL USCIS Office Reviews

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Tampa FL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
53 Review(s)
Tampa FL Review #835 on September 10, 2006:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Had our appointment on Sept 7th at 11am. Arrived around 10.30 and were put in a trailer. We were called around 10.50 and went through security (they are very concerned with cell phones, leave them in the car). A few minutes later we were called in. The INS Officer was very nice, we chatted a bit, and he asked some very simple questions, didnt ask to see anything (most of our paperwork was already submited with the K3 visa) and just stamped my wifes passort with the I551 and told us to file 2 years later. All in all a very pleasant experience.

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Tampa FL Review #602 on May 27, 2006:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was for 8:00am 5/18/06.Arrived at 7:30am. We were put in a trailer to wait for a name to be called. Called in at 8:20am and walked down the hall through security. We waited about 5 minutes before we were called in.

Asked : how did you meet?

Advised the officer our financial situation has changed since filing, provided him with 2005 taxes, new employer letter, paystubs for the new job.

All ok - everything looks fine, however security clearance is not complete. Officer was very apologetic about it, and could not offer any additional information. Advised he checks status every few days.

waiting again...........

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Tampa FL Review #210 on October 21, 2005:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Office employees were friendly. We had a man named Ricardo do our AOS interview, and it went very smoothly. No hassles! Just be prepared with everything listed on the interview letter and you will be fine.

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